Battle of the River Plate (1956)

Home..............Paintings...........Sculpture.............Hybrid Photography.............Experimental Films...........Straight Film

Pinewood.........Alien.........Other Films.......NFTS.......Scenic Work.........Arkadon........Biography

Falmouth School of Art.......Mosaics.......Stardust

Hell Drivers (1957) - Man in the Moon (1960) - Mystery Film Sets - Pinewood - Miranda (1948)

Atmospheric Sets - The Long Memory (1952) - The Woman for Joe (1955)

Floods of Fear (1959) - The Card (1952) - Palaver (1926)

River Plate


Battle of the River Plate - 1956 | 117 mins | Drama | Colour

The Production Team

Director: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.
Producer: Emeric Pressburger.
Script: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Cinematography: Christopher Challis.
Editing: Reginald Mills.
Art Direction: Arthur Lawson.
Costume: Jack Dalmayne.
Makeup: Department: Geoffrey Rodway.
Sound Department: Gordon K. McCallum, Arthur Stevens, C. C. Stevens, Harry Fairbairn and P. Lloyd.
Original Music: Brian Easdale.

The Cast

John Gregson - Captain Bell - HMS Exeter
Anthony Quayle - Commodore Harwood - H.M.S. Ajax
Ian Hunter - Captain Woodhouse - H.M.S. Ajax
Jack Gwillim - Captain Parry - H.M.S. Achilles
Bernard Lee - Captain Dove - M.S. Africa Shell
Lionel Murton - Mike Fowler
Anthony Bushell - Mr. Millington Drake - British Minister, Montevideor. Matthews
Peter Illing - Dr. Guani - Foreign Minister, Uruguay
Michael Goodliffe - Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires
Patrick Macnee - Lieutenant Commander Medley - R.N.


Set during the early years of World War II, the War in the Atlantic. The Royal Navy was fighting a desperate battle to keep the convoy routes open to keep the British Isles supplied. One great danger was the surface raiders, huge cruisers called "pocket battleships" that slipped out of German waters just before war was declared. The "Bismarck", The "Scharnhorst", The "Gneissau" and The "Graf Spee" were supplied by tanker & could strike anywhere. This is the story of how 3 lightly armed cruisers with only 6 and 8 inch guns boldly took on a powerful pocket battleship armed with 11 inch guns. They should have been blown out of the water before they could fire a single shot but ...

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Hell Drivers (1957) - Man in the Moon (1960) - Mystery Film Sets - Pinewood - Miranda (1948)

Atmospheric Sets - The Long Memory (1952) - The Woman for Joe (1955)

Floods of Fear (1959) - The Card (1952) - Palaver (1926)