Atmospheric Sets

Home..............Paintings...........Sculpture.............Hybrid Photography.............Experimental Films...........Straight Film

Pinewood.........Alien.........Other Films.......NFTS.......Scenic Work.........Arkadon........Biography

Falmouth School of Art.......Mosaics.......Stardust

Help would be appreciated in naming some of these sets please.

Hell Drivers (1957) - Man in the Moon (1960) - Mystery Film Sets - Pinewood - Miranda (1948)

The Long Memory (1952) - The Woman for Joe (1955) - Floods of Fear (1959) - The Card (1952)

Palaver (1926) - Battle of the River Plate (1956)


























Stanley Baker in 'Campbell's Kingdom (1957)
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House of Secrets (1956) - a classic Pinewood set design
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Campbell's Kingdom (1957) - reverse angle from photo below
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Campbell's Kingdom (1957) - Bruce Campbell (Dirk Bogarde) is a young man with no future. Diagnosed with a debilitating disease, the doctors have given him six months to live. He could sit in a darkened room, waiting for the inevitable, but this is a Hammond Innes story. No room for self-pity here...
Dirk Bogarde bottom left while makeup is attending to Barbara Murray
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Campbell's Kingdom (1957) - Smoking in bed again!
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Hell Drivers (1957) - Man in the Moon (1960) - Mystery Film Sets - Pinewood - Miranda (1948)

The Long Memory (1952) - The Woman for Joe (1955) - Floods of Fear (1959) - The Card (1952)

Palaver (1926) - Battle of the River Plate (1956)