rotating asteroid a bit closer....
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spinning threat againIt's comforting to know that everything is temporary..spinning threat....;-)

Enter the sunscape



getting nearer asteroid



















rotating asteroid a bit closer....



asteriud smallest

Foucault pendulum at north pole





getting closrt....

There are so many things to learn in the real world that even a hundred lifetimes isn’t enough to explore them all. We don’t need to make things up. What makes the truth beautiful and wonderful is that it’s true. I think that’s magnificent, and more worthy of attention than any gods, ghosts, psychics or aliens could ever be.

David Silverman - Atheist TV

Filippo Lippi Annunciation - National Gallery, London
Annunciation by Filippo Lippi c. 1449–1459 National Gallery, London
Filippo Lippi Annunciation close up showing virgina.

Lippi was a reluctant friar and had a scandalous love affair with a nun, Lucrezia Buti, who bore his son Filippino Lippi and a daughter Alessandra. The couple were released from their vows and allowed to marry, but Lippi still signed himself ‘Frater Philippus’. His biography (romantically embroidered to include capture by Moorish pirates) is one of the most colourful in Vasari's Lives and has given rise to the picture of a worldly Renaissance artist, rebelling against the discipline of the Church.

The painting depicts the Annunciation of Mary with the archangel Gabriel (left) and Mary (right). God, whose hand can be seen at the lunette's top is blessing Mary through the dove symbolizing the Holy Ghost.

Madonna's virgina relocated on her stomach

Upon closer examination, one can discern Lippi's interpretation of the event, wherein he depicts the Madonna's stomach as the location of her vagina. This portrayal signifies the flow of God's semen, symbolized by the cascading circles emanating from His hands (via the representation of the Holy Ghost as a dove), which then shoots out through the beak. This depiction serves as a clear indication of Lippi's cynicism.

This was made by a man who knew how the world works (religion being used to control the populous) and he had the courage to take a chance and put it up there....not bad for the 1450s...

........but it took about 500 years for the idea to catch on as in this vagina dress.......

vagina dress at the V&A exhibition
vagina dress Janelle Monáe
spinning asteroid02-sepia
......and if you really want to get your 'rocks off', some asteroids were created at the very beginning of time!
High in the sky - an alternative dimension where the clouds lie...

In the absence of a divine being or any religious beliefs, our existence can be attributed to the cosmic matter of stardust, and eventually, we will return to it. Embracing the world's inherent disorder and constant transformation shouIn the absence of a divine being or any religious beliefs, our existence can be attributed to the cosmic matter of stardust, and eventually, we will return to it. Embracing the world's inherent disorder and constant transformation should bring us contentment. Moreover, finding happiness without the need for religion is possible, and it is important to acknowledge that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life.ld bring us contentment. Moreover, finding happiness without the need for religion is possible, and it is important to acknowledge that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life.
spinning Jupiter

Jupiter already gets a lot of attention for being the most massive planet in the solar system, but it could have been so much more, if not for a few missing features, it came achingly close to being its own star.

Size does matter....We can all be stars if we put on enough weight...but not to worry as we might end up HERE

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a bit of a stretch....
coca cola can- the dark side... Trash can in space

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