Stardust (Page 5)

Home..............Paintings...........Sculpture.............Hybrid Photography.............Experimental Films..........Straight Film

Pinewood.........Alien.........Other Films.......NFTS.......Scenic Work.........Arkadon.........Biography

Star Wars........Falmouth School of Art............Annunciations


It's comforting to know that everything is temporary...;-)


Oscar Wilde quote - Lady Windlesham's Fan
In the realm of existence, we find ourselves amidst the mundane, yet a select few among us possess the ability to gaze upon the celestial wonders above. This renowned phrase, attributed to the illustrious Oscar Wilde, did not grace his lips in casual discourse, as many of his clever remarks did. Rather, it emanated from the lips of a character within Wilde's theatrical masterpiece, Lady Windermere's Fan.
Richard Dawkins gained fame for his critiques of creationism and intelligent design, in addition to his outspoken atheism. He likens evolutionary mechanisms to a blind watchmaker, highlighting how reproduction, mutation, and selection occur without the influence of a conscious creator. In his book "The God Delusion" released in 2006, Dawkins argues that the existence of a supernatural being is highly improbable and asserts that religious beliefs are a form of delusion.
Green Man protecting f
The enigmatic Green Man, an ancient symbol of paganism, dares to question the conventional beliefs by embodying a realm teeming with uncertainties. It serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent lack of fairness within the natural order.
green man stained glass window
.....St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol ....................St James Church. Arlington...............
Metropolis dolly bird
Relax...take a stress pill and let AI take over.....You know it makes sense.

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Pluto revolving
Joni Mitchell wrote the song 'Woodstock' which contained the words "We are Stardust" a few days after the Woodstock Festival. Here she is in 1969 singing the song in her own creative fashion.
into the deep
In the event of everything going awry, the game will reset in the vast ocean after a span of several million years, and eventually transition onto land in a joyous harmony........



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light shines on