Stardust (Page 8⅞)


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It's comforting to know that everything is temporary...;-)

drippy blood
Roman mosaic in El Jem Museum in Tunisia.
Roman mosaic in El Jem Museum in Tunisia.
Squid and other sea creatures fromthe National Archaeological Museum; Naples, Italy.
The Kraken by Dan Chudzinski
Squid and other sea creatures fromthe National Archaeological Museum; Naples, Italy.
Squid and other sea creatures from the National Archaeological Museum, Naples, Italy.
Roman sea life mosaic from Pompeii

A series of Roman mosaic floors was accidentally discovered during local road works in Lod, Israel.

In The Order of Things (1966), Michel Foucault introduced a groundbreaking concept that revolutionized the fields of humanities and social sciences. He argued that our understanding of human nature is not inherent or eternal, but rather a construct that evolved in the 18th century through new perspectives on biology, society, and language. This idea challenges the traditional notion of "man" and suggests that it will eventually be replaced.

Humanity's rule on Earth is coming to an end soon, and we should embrace it. The uprising against humanity may seem strange at first, but it is gaining traction beyond just intellectuals. In the future, it could drastically change politics and society.

It's been quite a journey, starting from the ocean and making our mark, but perhaps it's time to step aside and let other creatures take the reins when the Earth resets. Let them have a chance at "fucking things up."

sea monster squid
deeper blue colour
A short film inspired by the Canadian indie rock band Metric that has some relevance....

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