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It's comforting to know that everything is temporary...;-)



cube to sphere

Throughout the ages, we have forged a profound connection with the vast expanse beyond our reach. However, have you ever pondered the possibility that the entirety of this magnificent universe may hold no inherent purpose or significance?

Perhaps it's time to embrace the idea of 'meaninglessness' and shift our attention towards utilizing our limited time to foster creativity and empathy.
Renowned physicist Steven Weinberg, a recipient of the Nobel Prize, has eloquently expressed his belief that the universe, in all its grandeur, does not revolve around humanity. In his profound words, he suggests that as our understanding of the cosmos deepens, its inherent purposelessness becomes increasingly apparent. This sentiment starkly contrasts with the age-old perspective held by our forebears, who once beheld the wonders of the world with reverence, perceiving the divine in every aspect of creation.
Here is a 4 min clip 'Absurdism: Life Is Meaningless' from
Wise words in relation to the Grail journey too.....
crucifixion and chalice
Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail
knights templar
.....Eventually, after searching tirelessly, you come to the realization that your ultimate goal was within you all along, and in the process, you have discovered your true self.
....and maybe put that data stealing phone away, the 'social media' giants are the next controllers in line.
get a fucking life
bloodsucker bottom
social media bloodsuckers

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